Howdy I'm hopeful that I will get some free time in the next while to continue tackling this new adventure of bowyery. (just had twin daughters and my 2.5 yr old son seems to take up most of my time

Anyway, I have a stave of chokecherry that has developed a couple of quirks.
It was greenish when I started to work it, and took it into long string tiller while green. It has some set, no big deal, I can live with that as this is my first bow.
I now have let it dry for a month or so inside my home and it's much drier. I have completed a low brace and it's pulling 48# at 20inches right now. It's about 58" ntn and has a total of 11 knots in it. I'm attempting a bend thru handle design. The belly has some crown.
It's twisting now too as it has dried a bit more.
Jawge gave me some good advice about making sure I have the same thickness - to prevent twist. Also, how I can adjust my nocks to gain some string alignment thru handle....and I will incorporate that advice.
The bow, when viewed from the end, shows the belly at each nock to be in the same plane, but moving towards the handle, the bow twists (propellers) a bit so that if I hold the bow so that the belly faces me, the string sits outside the bow at least 3/4" if not more.
I've realized that I have made the thickness of the bow different thru the handle (ie the width is constant, but the thickness varies from the left to the right side of handle). I think this may be contributing to the twist. Also, the knots are closer to the left side of the bow than the right.
My question is this:
If I attempt to correct my thickness issue, (ie constant thickness from left to right bow sides) how fast will my weight drop? I think I have to remove about most of the belly crown, and a bit more to create an even thickness.
And, if I do this thickness correction, will it be probable that the twist will be reduced?
I will attempt to post a couple of photos of unbraced, braced and partial draw photos....I am aware of a hinge in right 1/3 adjacent to handle...and am avoiding it.
Here's a link to a photo share program...couldn't directly upload...techno-peasant!,