Just about finished up with this SE D Bow. think that is what it is anyway

Made from a piece of osage that I cut by the dead of night at the edge of a hospital grounds in TX where my dad was having major surgery. Needed a bit of clear my head time so I went on a midnight mission for some bow wood.
Ended up with the worst case of Poison Ivy....... and a nice sucker of sage.
Rings are thick. only 2 in the bow. Really wanted to wrap the 'handle' with a piece of brain tanned deer but didnt have any so just did a stitched leather wrap for now.
It is long. 66 NTN. Pulls 58# at 29". 1 1/4 wide up to mid limb then tapering to prob 3/8 ths at the tips. finished off with tung oil and will prob wax it after a couple more coats. Might still thin the tips just a bit more still. not sure yet.
Shoots really good right where I look. thought I would have problems shooting off my hand and with the width but shot it a bunch that way and was amazed how accurate it is with no shelf. thought I would add a floppy rest and tried it out and it screwed up the fleight of my arrows so I just went with an off the hand. Guess it is more real to period anyway.
Well let me know what you think.