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  • 2nd NC Knap-In&Prim. Skills: September 18, 2009 - September 20, 2009

Author Topic: 2ed North Carolina Knap-in & Primitive Skills Rendezvous-Sept 18,19,20-2009  (Read 67825 times)

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Offline n2everythg

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What Pat, Dick and I talked about on the way up to the classic was this idea:
We build a bow start to finish during the NC event. Then auction it at the event.
Along the way we hold classes and stage them as a series.

we start the first either friday afternoon or early sat. and are done by sunday raffle.

Dick said he would donate a log.

Then we have something like 5 classes. something along the lines of:
1. Splitting
2. chase ring
3. bow layout and rough out
4 floor tillering
5. tillering
6 finish - thinking something simple like tung oil but who ever did it could talk about different finishes etc.

Ill take a couple of the classes. dont care which. but would rather split them apart so I can play also.
Maybe I'll take #1 split and #3 layout and rough out.

but that means we still need 4 vollenteers or so to take the other classes.

open to suggestions on the 'stages' or classes and I don't really care which of the classes I teach but will take 2. 

Got any more volunteers? think we can make this idea work?

also I think we need to line up all classes and volunteers well prior to the event so we know well in advance what is going to happen when during the event and can publish it in what ever flyers we do.

East Coast of Nowhere

Offline knightd

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Sounds like a great Idea.. I am not much of a teacher or I would help on it.. Maby some kind of class on tillering R/D bows??

Offline mullet

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  • Eddie Parker
 Wow! Kind of like a Friendship bow but with Classes.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline knightd

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Yep sounds kinda like one.. I would need somebody to tell others what im doing as I dont even know :o ::)

Offline n2everythg

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BS... you love to chat and bs. and teaching is just chattin' at what u r doing.
you would be a great teacher.

if you want in on this one then that would be great. or anything else you feel comfortable doing. or just come and bring ur purty smile. no pressures. 
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 10:03:35 am by n2everythg »
East Coast of Nowhere

Offline knightd

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I will be there and will help out one way or another..

Offline Pat B

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I'm planning on being there this year but don't want to commit yet. I'm willing to do anything I can once I get there. Sign me up for anything(in pencil)!!! ;D
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC


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Your penciled in Pat.


Offline Hardawaypoints

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That bow building idea is outstanding! We can also photograph the stages and post 'em, so whoever wins it will have a record of its construction.

As I told Dick, I'm going to have to be watching from the sidelines and chipping rocks...leave the bow building to those who are good at it.

I got 4 dozen pairs of safety glasses to help protect they eyes of anyone wanting to get a closer look at knapping...limit our liability too.

Luck counts, good or bad.


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Thanks Jim. Some others were looking into gloves etc to help save the young ones from danger. I picked up 50# of black Obsidian for the kids to bang on. I will need Hillbilly and some others to spall it out to have as many pieces ready for the young ones to hammer on.
  The Volunteer list is below. Email me to add your name to it ASAP. We need to schedule this ASAP so we can flesh it out. BTW if there is something NOT on the list email me and if you want to demo it I will add it to the list.

Dick your benevolent Dictator   >:D

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« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 07:48:37 am by DBernier »

Offline n2everythg

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Dick I will bring my new spalling stones down. some of them need to be broken in still.

also I am collecting a pail or 2 of rock that will go in the community pile to smash up. should have plenty for the kids.
East Coast of Nowhere


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Attached is an updated Word Document on the list of volunteers for the Event. If you want to help, please contact me to set up a slot.

Dick, your benevolent Dictator   >:D

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Offline Hardawaypoints

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Yesterday I found a piece of rhyolite ~35 pounds I'll throw in the community pile too.  Not sure how good it is all the way through, but there'll be some points hiding in it.  Meanwhile, I'll keep looking for more.

Unless the group is looking for comic relief, or someone to ruin their project, I'll stand clear of the bow building & try to learn by spectating.

Luck counts, good or bad.

Offline Hardawaypoints

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Bump.  I'm trying to get a few more rock vendors for this event.  If there are any out there who want to join us, knappers are always in need of turns to gravel without even really trying hard. PM Dick or me.
Every day is getting closer.

Luck counts, good or bad.

Offline Catahoula

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Where do people camp and are well behaved Catahoula dogs allowed to come (on a leash)?


“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”― Mae West