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  • 2nd NC Knap-In&Prim. Skills: September 18, 2009 - September 20, 2009

Author Topic: 2ed North Carolina Knap-in & Primitive Skills Rendezvous-Sept 18,19,20-2009  (Read 67826 times)

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Well here we go again. Last October was a good fleshing out on the do's and dont's of this Event. The area we had was about as spectacular as you could get. I liked the idea of the primitive campers comming and I hope more will come this year. The core people who were there were a great help and the public who responded were gracious in their praise. Great going guy and gals.
   Well this year will be about the same forum as last year except for a few changes. This year we will have a bulletin board with the times posted for the presentations. I will post a sign up sheet like last year looking for Volunteers. If you have a skill that is not on the list, email me and we will get you scheduled. Jim and I are looking to purchase two large tents for insurance against the weather. If you have a large tent fly let me know if you would be willing to bring it. Even the smaller ones we can group them side by side.
  We will be soliciting "stuff" for the raffles. This year we will have a "ticket bucket" for each prize or group of prizes. The field is in great shape as we speak and I will be doing a first mowing at the end of April.
   We will again, have the Hawk and Knife, Archery range, and Atlatl range. We will need people to staff these positions when some of the young people wish to "do their thing".
  I will be posting a list of potential demos' and you can email me or call me and I will add your name to the list and then post the new list.
   For those of you who have not seen the area here are some photos. Be back soon.

Your Benevolent Dictator--Dick   >:D

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« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 11:20:25 am by Calendargirl »

Offline madcrow

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Re: 2ed North Carolina Knap-in & Primitive Skills Rendezvous
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 08:25:52 am »
Count me and Montana in again.  You better have the Gator gassed up.  I will have a couple of toys made for the raffle.  I am going for a more period look this time.


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Re: 2ed North Carolina Knap-in & Primitive Skills Rendezvous
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 09:11:58 am »
Eddie that is a darn good idea. As some of you know I am into and have been into the French and Indian War era of American history. This year I will dress as a long hunter for the time of the Event. I will also have a big display of my "stuff" for public view and discussion. I would hope more of us could do this and give the public a good look at what we all do for recreation. See photos for examples. I will post the Volunteer list this afternoon. Already got some people to help.

Your Benevelent Dictator,  Dick   >:D

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OK Here is the Volunteer list. If you are interested in helping on any of these, email me. It is a "word" document.

Dick your benevolent Dictator   >:D

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Here is a copy of the flier. If you copy it for distribution, tape the map, to the back and then have Office Depo of some other copy place run them off for you. Its about $4 for 25 copies back to back. I am having trouble posting the directions (map). Email me your address and I will mail you some with the map already on the flyer.

Dick Your benevolent Dictator   >:D

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« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 12:40:48 pm by DBernier »

Offline madcrow

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Actually, I should have said that the knives were going to have a more period look.  But all is not lost, I still have all of my medieval garb stashed away.  Dang, that chainmaille is going to be heavy.


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Hey Eddie, bring your own hay for your horse.  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  >:D

Dick Your Benevelent Dictator   >:D


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Hey all, I will be at the South Eastern Rendezvous in Georgia from March 25 till the 1st of April and from there to Prickets Fort in WV till the 5th of April returning home on the 6th of April. Contact Jim at
If you need any info. See you soon.

Dick your Benevelent Dictator   >:D

Offline Pat B

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Dick, Look for Alan. He will be at the South Eastern.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline mole

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I don't think I'd like to hang around with a bunch of nappers and "boyers" from NC.  :D

You might want to check the spelling on the flyers. :)

Maybe I'll make it this year.

Northeast Georgia


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Well, I'm back. Big deal. South Eastern was a long wet bath. Rained 6 out of 8 days I was there. Had a good time.
   I guess we are all set to go forward with our event. I will mail out a flier/map to anyone who wishes to help us spread the word or you can down load it from this thread. Just email me if you want one. I will bring a bunch to the Tennessee Classic with me if it is OK with Pappy. Still looking for volunteers for some of the Demo's. Will also be looking for some donations for the raffle. Only 6 months to go. Remember those of you who do Rendezvous, it would be nice to have you dress and camp the part. I am.

Dick your Benevolent Dictator.   >:D

Offline Hardawaypoints

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I'm working on getting a few other folks to participate this year as well. *fingers crossed* Time will tell.
I think by moving it back a few weeks, there should be fewer folks hunting and more with time to spare.
We got a good idea of what worked well and what needed adjusting to makle it right.

I had a great time last year and am looking forward to growing this event.

Luck counts, good or bad.


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Well I'm back from the Tenn Classic. It is a premier event and I keep hearing it was raining over there. I'm all wet anyway so I did not notice. Had a great time as usual. Thanks to Pappy, Greg, Jessy and the whole crew.
   Eddie M., remember there are no fish under that ice.  ;D   ;D   ;D
  On another note, the site for North Carolina's event is looking very good. I will be doing another mowing in a couple of weeks or so. The inquiries are slow in comming but it is early yet. Wade had a good idea for a bow build and raffle on Sunday and I will let him take the lead on it and explain it to you. Still need volunteers for everything from helping the kids making points to any of the demos we will schedule. If you got a skill, lets hear from you and we can flesh it out. Later

Dick, your benevolent dictator.  >:D

Offline james parker

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dick same as last year i really want to be there if i can get an officer to watch a nd patrol the place for the weekend.....ill keep in touch.............james

Offline Woodland Roamer

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Dick, I can help out on fire making and cane arrows.

Alan Shook-Taylorsville NC

Bring back the Stone Age!