Author Topic: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)  (Read 10939 times)

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Offline Shaun

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2009, 12:19:26 pm »
Nice stuff and admirable project Timo. I had some sawed into 2" slabs so that I can cut 2x2's and then rip them quarter sawed even if the board was flat sawed by turning the 2x2. My sawyer charged me for a blade sharpening ($35) on top of the 35 cents/ bd ft regular price. Osage is tough on blades. Those big logs are a pain to split, but lots of staves in there.

I recently cut a nice straight and clean tree only to find it has very fine rings. Not sure whether to make bows with rawhide backing or saw it on up into slats. I went ahead and split it into staves for now.

See you at Marshall, MO

Rich Saffold

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2009, 03:03:11 pm »
Timo, If I can swing it I will be there that is for sure...That is some  nice looking osage.  Filling that ski bag full of osage helps pay for that 500$ plane ticket :o ;)...and the 300$ car rental when I miss my ride to Marshall when the plane lands 5 hours late....

We have a few trees here, but I'd be posting bail if I went for so much as a branch of it..


Offline Timo

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2009, 06:44:49 pm »
 Lennie, I made a deal with the saw owner. He be a artifact collector so me and him hit it off well. $20 per hour of sawin, and I could tell him how I wanted it done,(considering his advice and such of coarse). Told the blades run him $5 to get sharpened.I think we went through 7. He never mentioned a blade fee, other than ifin hit hit some wire.

As for the price of staves? Well that is all relative. Really depends on how bad a fella wants it? I will have some premo staves @ Mojam,they won't be dry wood, but I will have them cleaned up,so no surprises.I figure that is the way it needs to be.

Mims,We draw knifed all the dried mud and dirt off of them before we set the blade in. How ya feelin? Haveing access to a good row is always a good thing.Cherish it.

Shaun, the tight ringed stuff will work fine ifin you wish to slat it.Figure on some waste.

I'm gonna try to work up the stave logs this weekend.Plan on doing a lil "splitalong" for those needing answers.

Offline yazoo

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2009, 06:58:08 pm »
I always take my loads to the car wash and clean them real good before sawing,when you saw osage its about 85% waste and only saw a log that has bad rings, its against the law to saw good osage ;D
if you can shoot over them , they ain't to far


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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2009, 10:00:35 am »

I should have known between you and the Amish fella ya'll would have figured out dirt is an enemy to saw blades.

How I'm feeling comes and goes.  Get chemo'd every two weeks, 2 or so good days in the cycle usually, depending upon what else I'm getting.  Other times I can do stuff in small measure but working (for pay) usually uses me up.  The shots to stimulate my bone marrow (killed by the chemo) are darn near as bad as the chemo itself.  I finsih up a cycle today.  Two more to go and that 'll finish my 12 and I'm all done. 

Hopefully I'll be up to par for Pappy's get together.  Wife and I have come to cherish the trip, which falls on our wedding anniversery.  I realize it's a fer stretch for ya'll over is Missouri, but it's a great get together, beginning to rival OJam and MoJam by my reckoning, being a 3d tourney and selfbow jamboree all in one.  Makes for a nice, broad mix of people.  We enjoy the shoot itself in particular.  And the countryside and weather are just about as good as it gets.

Offline Ryano

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2009, 01:00:01 pm »
Hope you can make it to Pappys David. Glad to hear your almost done with that stuff, hope you feel better soon.  :)
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Timo

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Re: Hazletts hedge row (pics added)
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2009, 11:53:55 pm »
Mims.I hope the pray the best for ya man. My Mom went through a big round or 2 with her Breast cancer, so I can sorta relate.

Started staveing out the big logs tonight.Really taking my time to get the most from the best. More to it than just settin a wedge and smackin it til ya pass out ,but you already know.May take a few pics tomorrow for some show and tell.One half log is probly the cleanest piece of wood I ever seen. Makes one beam with excitement

Gonna put the classic on my calender for next year. Looks like a great time.Might be able to wrangle a few others to come down also.