After seeing so many Boo/Ipe bow on this site and others,I decided it was time for me to give one a try, I was not disappointed.After reading as much as a could on this combination, I contacted Rich Saffold ,and in short oder I had a piece of Ipe and a piece of bamboo on the way.Well lets get right to the bow! The bow turned out 68 inches tip to tip and 58# @ 26.It fades from .75 wide at the grip to 3/8 tips.The stave was a little over an inch wide when it came out of the jig and could not be bent, it was as flexible as a 6 foot piece of telephone pole!The limb thickness goes from a little over a half inch at the grip to .25 at the tips.The style was a hybrid, English "D" style with reflex/ deflex.The glue up was done with TTB3 and bicycle inner tubes as clamps.The bow holds 1.75 of 2 inches of reflex after shooting and unstringing. The bow shoots fast and very accurate with no stack, kick, or handshock. The backing was giant yellow bamboo Ipe core, and bubinga and osage tip overlays.The arrow rest is a small floppy rest. The finish is mini wax wipe on poly.I shot a 600 grain arrow out of this bow through a chronograph at a local bow shop and was getting speeds of 180- 185! Not bad for my first boo/ Ipe composite, and there will be many more in the future!!! Enjoy


Full Draw

