I like the idea of a beginner's section....but instead of posting links to old articles, we could each contribute tips that we think newcomers should know. There seems to be only a few questions that keep coming up, so I think it wouldn't take much time to post your "beginner's tips".
Here are some questions I see over and over again:
- Is yadayada a good wood for bows? (answer: yes, as long as the bow is designed properly).
- How long do I dry a stave of yadayada wood before I make a bow from it? (answer: weigh it every day, and when it stops loosing weight for 3 days in a row, wait a week, and it's ready.....read TBB, Vol 1, page 41).
- What do I back my yadayada bow with? (answer: TBB, Vol 1, chapters 10 & 11).
- Where do I get yadayada wood staves? (answer: Primitive Archer trading post, trash piles, wood lots with owner's permission, internet mail order).
- What finish do I use for my yadayada bow? (answer: whatever you would use on a fine piece of furniture).
- Is the yadayada wood stave still good if it has worm holes, big knots, or checks? (answer: nope)
- What is the correct way of doing such and such? (answer: there are several correct ways).
- Do you guys find yourselves looking at trees funny (with lust) after you've made your first bow? (answer: yep).
- Why can't I find the info I'm looking for on such and such? (answer: you need to search the net for longer than 5 minutes.....MUCH longer.....perhaps 7 or 8 minutes).
- How do I process a deer for sinew, rawhide, bones, etc? (answer: you need to search the net for longer than 5 minutes.....MUCH longer.....perhaps 7 or 8 minutes).
- Where do I get new ideas for my bows, arrows, and such? (answer: you need to search the net for longer than 5 minutes.....MUCH longer.....perhaps 7 or 8 minutes).
-What does such and such mean? (answer: you need to search the net for longer than 5 minutes.....MUCH longer.....perhaps 7 or 8 minutes).
Anyway, you get the idea. My advice to new people is make the investment in as many books as you can.......make and break as many bows as you can.....make, shoot and loose as many arrows as you can......and then after a few months, ask your questions. You will understand the advice much better with a little experience.