Hey Joe,
I know what you're talking about when it comes to the ancient's skills at knapping. Several years ago I saw some very small, paper-thin obsidian arrowpoints that a friend had found. I was absolutely blown away.....they were so incredibly thin that I don't know how they weren't broken during manufacture. They were also covered with flake scars, meaning those guys were able to drive long pressure flakes over the surface of those tiny points. How the hell they did it I don't know, but I've never seen any modern knapper who can duplicate those points. Steve Alley comes close, but the prehistoric points were still thinner than the points he makes. And they were FLAT... I've tried copying them as well but can't do it. I think they may have had a different holding technique or something because I can't get them that thin...and I've been knapping for 20 years!! So much for a dumb caveman.....