Eldestructo, I concur with everything you said and do believe you have hit the nail on the head. It is even difficult to gain access to most waterways and if, while boating, you heed the call of nature and step on land and not some sandbar in the middle of the river expect be arrested if you're seen. I know of several arrests on Red River for such benign behaviors. I'm fairly sure the Texas obsession with property rights goes back to the nineteenth century and the big cattle ranches and the way they were put together. Texas is filled with nice people and is a good place to live, but is far from an Eden. Crafty, Trash piles are a good source of materials. I used to get almost all of my Osage from them, but I'm afraid to now. I'm just afraid of getting arrested, and usually finding who owns or is in charge of the trash pile is more trouble than it is worth. Even then, you're never sure if you got permission from the right person.