I backed a bow with sinew and hide glue for the first time. I thought I would share a couple of tips I learned along the way. Since it was my first time attempting sinewing, the tips I have are probably obvious to those with experience, but they might help a beginner like myself.
1. Make sure you pick a work area that can get really messy. And don't use anything for the project that belongs to your wife, mother, sister etc. (It will get ruined.

2. Shorter bundles are much easier to work with. It is much easier to get them to lay down smooth and straight than it was with long bundles.
3. Make sure you add water to your glue regularly. It gets thick pretty quick. When it is too thick it makes for a sloppy job.
4. Take time to align the fibers in the bundle after you "squeegee" off the excess glue.
5. After you "squeegee" the glue off your sinew bundle clean you hands well with water. Your bundle will lay down much easier when working with clean hands.
6. Figure on it taking 2X as long as you think. It did for me, maybey I am just slow.
I finally got feeling like I was "getting it" about 3/4 of the way through the 2nd layer of sinew. I'm going to let those layers dry for a week or so then crown it with a couple of layers down the center.