Author Topic: first weeks work  (Read 7159 times)

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Offline stickbender

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Re: first weeks work
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2009, 11:49:53 pm »

     Thanks Eddie, I still can't figure out how to post pictures yet.  I will take some pictures of them, and maybe post them.  I appreciate the compliment.  Every now and then I get one to look some what decent.  I still want to get them thin, like Claude, and Bone pile.  Yours are not exactly shabby either.  You gonna look for some stone in Alberta?  If you find some it wold probably be cheaper to mail it home, rather than pay your first male child to the *&^%%!! airlines, to carry it back.!  I will take some pictures, and when you get back, I will let you post them, and I can see first hand how to post them.  I have to see it done, and then do it. ;)


Offline xin

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Re: first weeks work
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2009, 12:58:26 pm »
SailorDad, You're doing great!  Just don't waste your lithic resources at this stage.  You'll be kicking yourself in the rear in a few months.  This is the time you should be using beer bottle bottoms and other man made glass which is free or very inexpensive.

Offline sailordad

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Re: first weeks work
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2009, 02:47:58 pm »
   xin: only problem is i dont drink beed,only wine and thats not very often.
         however i doo keep an eye out for free glass stuff,like old pyrex cook ware etc.,most people i know who drink still
         use returnable bottles,so thats pretty much out.when they do drink from others that are non returnable its cans :(
         and i dont know anyone who can knapp aluminum. lol

         i did talk with a guy at the knapp in that said he would be willing to mail rock to me,i am also going to ask a few farmers that i know
         if i can dig thru their rock piles after picking rock in the spring,the ones that let me hunt i will volunteer to help pick rock in their fields.
         i also plan on just looking for rock along the missippi river banks and along lake shores etc once we thaw out in the spring.

thanks to everyone else for the input

and yup the bug bit me and i think it left a mark or two also. ;D

i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline xin

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Re: first weeks work
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2009, 08:54:59 pm »
Sailordad,  Check out your local tv repair shop for old burned out picture tubes.  Also, you might try a glass shop and see if they have some broken scraps they will give you or sell very cheaply.  Both of these options will  be a lot less  costly than buying chert which at this point will mostly be turned to rubble.  Unless you live in a chert rich environment like central Tx you will spend all of your time searching for chert and not learning to knap.  What chert you have now can be saved for when you can knap a little better.