Hello all,
You may remember this bow I posted a couple of years ago. It was my first bow, and I have enjoyed shooting the heck out of it. It has developed a fair amount of set. Mostly due to our rainforest hunting weather in the NW and lack of a really good sealing finish I imagine. I felt like I could still learn alot from this bow, and hopefully enjoy shooting it some more, so I talked to a few members offline about bending osage with dry heat. You can see the results in the photos below. Not too radical of bends because it's my first try at dry heat, but I think a nice improvement. The right side JUST came out of the clamps & jig right before the photo, so the curves may yet relax a bit. For yet another first, I would like to back this bow with a sturgeon skin I have. I will search the archives for the good posts I remember seeing on that subject.
So, my questions to you:
Should I check the tiller to see how much bending the limbs has changed it?
Sturgeon skin is more like rawhide than snakeskin in strength. Should I back the bow with the skin before tillering?
Part of the reason I am thinking of backing this with sturgeon is because I am worried the bending may have weakened the wood somewhat. Seems like the backing would make it bulletproof and also reduce the chances of the set coming back. I also think the skins are awesome looking on the bows others have done.
What do you all think?
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