After reading here about the sturgeon backed bows, I figured I’d throw one of mine in the pot.
I built this lil bow in 07 for the ABC contest. The tiller got away from me on the bottom limb and by the time I caught it up, it was under weight. I went ahead and finished it and just hung it on the rack. I got it down a while back and decided to take off some weight and refinish it.
58” Osage w/sapwood from a 3” sucker tree, mostly sapwood. This was my first time with sturgeon skins, and wished I had more. Really cool skins, I opted not to use the center of the skins as they had a few holes in them, (but I did save them).The tips overlays are water buffalo. 54# @ 28”. 1.25” @ the fades, full length taper to 3/8” tips. The belly is riddled with pin knots. It carries 2.5” reflex @ rest. The finished bow weighs 14 oz.
This bow really has some great cast for such a lil thing. They are just a bit hard to me to shoot.