Here are a couple picturess of the Holmgaard this young man is just starting, 70" tip to tip, red oak board from Home Depot, temporary knocks at this point, we will be continuing work on this bow this afternoon.
Here is a front view full draw

and here is the side view at full draw.

He is about 75% done with the shaping and tillering. Will be trimming some mass from the outer limbs today. We glued on a handle section and knock overlays yesterday and constructed a Dacron string for it. Plenty of shaping and sanding to do this afternoon.
This young man is new to bow building, and shows great promise already. This is the third bow he has started, the first broke on the tillering tree, the other a Yew flatbow is giving us fits and giggles, so we decided to get a success story to build on.
He has an account here, so I will let him add his viewpoint when he reads this.
I sure hope the photos come through.