Hello everyone, this is my first bow that I have completely finished. Its a red oak board bow. I posted some pics awhile back of the board selection that I had and I picked one and got started. I used all hand tools except for the rest area I did cut it out with a jigsaw. The bow is 68" ttt. It pulls 40pounds at 30". Its very smooth and shoots hard I think for a 40 pound weapon.I shot it a couple of days ago at a 3D shoot and done pretty good with it. Considering I'm not the best archer in the world.

I wrapped the handle with some old hide I had and then laced it with some art sinew. I think the top limb could use some more work but I didn't want to take anymore weight off so Ill just have to live with the end results. I learned alot from this bow, more from this one than the other learning experiences Ive had.( blown bows). Patience is certainly the key to this. I believe I took off to much in the floor tillering stage and didn't leave enough to work with on the tree. I missed my mark by about 5 pounds.I wanted 45 at 30 but I am very happy with the way it turned out. I know that my next one will be better. Ill wait for you all to tell me when you think I'm ready for a real stave. I have some cherry I cut last spring and am always looking for more wood. I'm saving money in hopes of coming to twin oaks in may. Most people around here think I'm crazy but I think pappy is right. " If you have to ask you really just wouldn't understand"

Hope I done OK for my first completed bow. No mesh tape on this one.
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