See we all basically agree that wolves and all animals need protection but they also need to have control.
What the PETA and Humane Society of America want is to ban all hunting and let nature take its course,
right up till the deer are in their yards eating their landscaped yards, then ya call in a professional to make the
problem go away, under cover of darkness of course so they can pretend it didn't happen.
The problem with getting a season on wolves is mostly political and not tied to management principles in any way.
The end result is people will take it upon themselves to manage the wolf population
Here in the UP in the area I hunt we had
a bad winter last year which resulted in many deer deaths, throw in the fawns taken by bobcat, bear, and yotes and the adult deer
that the wolves take, the car/deer deaths, crop damage permits, violators, etc and their aren't many left for us hunters.
One other point and thats, we as sportsman pay through our license fees and taxes to maintain the wildlife population, the antis and
other so called animal rightests folk pay nothing but their voices apparently carry more weight with the politicians than anyone elses.
Your hunting rights are more in peril now than at any other point in history all hunters had best put their differences aside and band
together if we are going to continue to enjoy the right to hunt. If you don't believe me on this than you really need to get your head
out of the sand and open your eyes to the reality before you. The enemy is about to surround us and cut off all the escape routes at
that point ya might as well jump off the cliff as it will be less painful