I was afraid these pics would get lost at the end of the Feb. knapping challenge since that thread was getting a bit long, so I started a new thread. I'd like to officially thank whomever made Gunther Barbed points as this month's challenge, because it about drove me to fits! Damn, those Gunther barbed points are very difficult to make, and I was getting seriously p@ssed cause I kept breaking one after another. I almost kicked a hole in my apartment wall and just about ripped the sliding glass door off its tracks and threw it into the parking lot below. I was having a hell of a time getting any finished and kept getting more and more frustrated....and I just WASN"T gonna give up! I finally made the three below, but broke three others in the process. Anyone who can complete a Gunther barbed point definitely has my respect. Now I'm probably gonna go to sleep, only to dream about these damn points. I probably will wake up only after an hour or so and won't be able to sleep. You can rest assured that I'll be up at 3 a.m., crunching small flakes into more gunther barbed points. As tough as they are to make, I think they are super cool looking!
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