By unanimous vote of the Primitive Archer Administrators and Moderators, "Rod" (Rod Parsons) has been selected as the European Moderator for the Primitive Archer web site. Rod has been a longtime member and contributor to PA and I am sure he will be an excellent Moderator.
Let's all welcome Rod and let's all try to make his job as boring as possible!
As compensation, Rod will be issued a key to the executive washroom, a chauffeur driven limousine as well as his own personalized headsman's ax to be used with discretion...but used if needed.

OK, guys. It is all up to you. Lets make the Primitive Archer War Bow thread one of the best War Bow threads available. Let's keep it family friendly and respectful to everyone. Let's keep the information flowing and the pictures posted. After all, the whole world is watching!!!

Thank you all for supporting Primitive Archer and the War Bow thread and thanks to everyone for their input into the subject of having a European Moderator. I enjoyed hearing from all of you. After all, it is only fair that your guys are represented here on PA too.
...and by the way, don't forget to tell your friends about Primitive Archer Magazine which is now available on line. Ya know, Primitive Archer Magazine does pay for this site.

If any of you guys would like to submit articles to PA for consideration, I'm sure Ed Ingold would love to hear from you ( ).
Thanks again everyone. Let's go make some bows! Pat