xin: only problem is i dont drink beed,only wine and thats not very often.
however i doo keep an eye out for free glass stuff,like old pyrex cook ware etc.,most people i know who drink still
use returnable bottles,so thats pretty much out.when they do drink from others that are non returnable its cans
and i dont know anyone who can knapp aluminum. lol
i did talk with a guy at the knapp in that said he would be willing to mail rock to me,i am also going to ask a few farmers that i know
if i can dig thru their rock piles after picking rock in the spring,the ones that let me hunt i will volunteer to help pick rock in their fields.
i also plan on just looking for rock along the missippi river banks and along lake shores etc once we thaw out in the spring.
thanks to everyone else for the input
and yup the bug bit me and i think it left a mark or two also.