I thought about introducing myself in a proper way, so I thougt this is a good beginning

I'm a dutch guy, turning 16 in a few days, and I make mostly hazel bows. Hazel is the best wood for me, it's easy available, and it's a perfect wood for sapling bows.
this is a bow from a 'bigger' log, being 3" thick. I prefer small staves, since the belly won't be overpowered due the crown, giving nice bows with low set.
it's 72" ntn, 1 1/2" at the fades straight taper to 1" at the nocks. The last 8" will taper more, to 1/2" nocks, but I'm not at that stage yet.
I weighted the bow to be sure it's dry, and it lost 1gram last week so it should be dry

a week ago I managed to draw it to 28" with a long string, drawing 90#.
the stave:

drawn to 28"

Today I braced it to 2 1/2", and started to increase the drawlength by drawing it many times. slowly it went up to 28", but I don't feel safe at that drawlenght. It feels like it's going to explode.. even though there are no actual frets, cracks. I think I'll get everything smooth, add the overlays, and try to get it to 90# @ 30". here's it drawn at 27"

upper limb needs more bend, lower limb is too stiff at the outter limbs..
more to come

greetings, Nick