I completed me very first arrow last night. It's bamboo, 2 feather style. It took me 2 hours to straighten and temper. Hopefully, I can cut that time in half on my next one.
It took 3 attempts to get a nock attached. My first was a deer antler nock. It was waaay to tight on the string. When I shot the arrow the arrow flew but the nock broke off from the bamboo. The nock was still on the string while the insert was in the bamboo. My second attempt was a eastern red cedar nock. It split. So, split a piece of red oak and worked it down. It's holding up.
The shaft is from a sack of tomatoe stakes my wife had in the greenhouse. I don't have turkey feather or anything else more romantic. But, I do have chicken feathers. hahaha.
The arrow probably flys better than I shoot. Newby in the art of intuitive shooting. I was shooting at 10 yards. The parabox stabalize in half that distance. The arrow were straight in the foam.
The tip is something I'm sure some of you have created before. I dreamed it up a couple days ago. I'm calling it a "bunny button" It's made from deer antler.
Hopefully, the picture will post.
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