Hi everyone. Listen, I dont want to give an false preceptions about any of this. I do appreciate all your comments, and this is the reason this site exists, and is so valuable. If you know me, you know I am a bit emotional, but not necessarily in the way you may think. It takes me a bit of time to process information and then come up with a response or line of reasoning, and I guess I got a bit short circuited yesterday. I wasn't upset with any of you, but with myself. I took your comments to heart, Badger, and thought man, I am currupting someone with a totally wrong tiller. Arg. I have never seen anyone being told here they made a bow wrong. I get exactly what you are saying though, Badger, upon futher thought.
A long day, a six day week before that, and some nasty clients (I write resumes, and so deal with some very stressed, and sometime angry, scared clients who are out of work and running out of time), and someone being fired at work for incompetence, all contributed to how I processed your comments. And as Adam stated, I was really bummed out. I sat at work and kind of fiddled with writing assigments, and wondered how elm looks in the fireplace, and who wants my tools here, instead of turning out resumes. Dont tell my boss.

I'm feeling much better now. I have learned a lot, some of which I am not too happy about, but that is about myself, not all of you. Truth be told, if I get to make 3 bows a year, I am lucky, so many more failures and some successes are ahead of me. Part of why I thiink I gravitate toward the Holmgaard is that it is so difficult, and a challenge. the D bow doesnt seem to hold any glamour for me. That can change of course.
George, thanks. Adam, thanks. Finnish, thanks man. Everyone, thanks.
Okay, another truism. I am much better at building catapults than bows at this stage in my development. Here is my latest baby, nearly done now, a handheld machine which will have curved arms and follows the formulas set by Vitriviuan, an engineer who served under Cesear and Augustus. The brass plating is nearly done since I took these pictures. I'll share it, including video of me in a Roman getup, once I have some nice weather to cast the bronze parts so I can finish it up and get to testing. Winter weather is the big issues, as I am doing the casting outdoors and all we have is snow and sleet around here.
Have a great night, and I'll post some shots once the bow is really finished. I did work a bit on the tiller to get the inner arms bending more, but the wood seems sound all around, so I will see how long it lasts. If it beats the odds you all think it faces, hurrah. If not, there are more bows in the future.
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