Thanks fellas. Yes, a totally differnt mind set is an understaement.
Ben, The bows are really not tillered as much as you teach them to bend. You have to taper your cores corectly prior to doing the glue up. After that you can taper the with some to adjust the tiller a bit.
M-P, TB2 release when heated to (

? degree) Its easy to delaminate a belly or backing strip with a heat gun. I am not sure how to release hide glue short of water.....maybe heat but I am not sure?
Rich, lol.....yes.....42" will be rally really cool! Betha is will really zing an arrow! I should have pursued professional boxing my arms are so darn long.
Armymedic, No I hav eyet to read that book. I will eventually get it by my intersts are not really in the Zen aspect. Kyudo seems really intersting but I think I am more interestd in Kyujutu ich is the Martial Art of the Japanese bow as opposed to Kyudo wich is the zen aspect.
Rick, Yes, it was dificult but was very enjoyable to build.
As an aside, This bow has many things that I did not get right. Its a long way for a real good yumi bow. It shoots great and is qucik and quiet but not as authentic in shape and detail as it should be. The next one will be closer, then the next one closer still!
The exact details i am speaking of are: the tips should have more static recurve and the grip area should ben a bit less.Other then the the lower limb looks good as the the upper. Its the in-be-twixt and the tips that are not right.