Hey Guys, I haven't been on the site for awhile, I took a board position with the United Bowhunters Of Illinois and seem to have lost all my free time. Anyway, I'm building a bow to donate to our banquet and need a question answered. First--a run down of the bow---it's a short brush bow, osage, 3-1/2" steamed reflex in the handle, sinew backed, 56" long, ridgid handle, narrow--mid limbs 1-1/4" with semi- pyramid taper down to 5/16 nocks. Right now its tillered at a brace of 6-1/2"--can leave in tillering stick for 3 hours--take off and limbs go back to reflex---am shooting for a finish weight of 50# at 27" draw. I posted a short osage bow-54" on here last year but this one is much nicer. I drew the 54" bow 29" without losing the string but its close. On this new bow I believe I'm safe on string angle not going past 90 degrees but am toying with putting a slight flare on the limbs tips---I should have done this before the sinew while I was steaming

Oh well, thats hind sight. So here's the question:
With the sinew in place, can I use dry heat and put a slight flare---back 2" from tip---changing the string angle to keep string from pulling off limb, without damaging the sinew to wood bond? Thanks for any advice/prior experiences you can give, Glenn.