i really need to learn my wood...
i think osage is soo blah... just becuase that is all i know how to hunt for that and of coarse oak that i have plenty of around here... but i have some differant typw of oak around here... i dont think the oak i have is red oak it dont look red a like the lowes boards... is there such thing as black oak..?
and of coarse there is pecan.... i need to learn what hicory looks like and elm.. i'm sure i can find maple becuase of the leaf but i dont know what hard or soft maple is and the differance....
terhe is soo many differant trees here in our wood but mainly all i can identify is oak and osage... and pecan... becuase of the pecans... i nee to harvest alot of osage and drie it out soo i can see what all the hooplah is about... i only made one bow fro the osage it was for a survival bow challange a few months back... but he thing shot kinda slow and sluggish i would suggest that being because of the green wood and the tips were left fat and round... i then tried to let it drie out and then a couple of months later i tried to thin the tips and re tiller and it borke on me...

soo i have not had a good start with the osage... and its hell getting it cut and harvested i cut two potential staves of it yesterday and today and it has beeting me up with thorns and has scratched me to shreds trying ot get to the branches i wanted to cut for the satves... i hope it is worth the hassle...lol... i will be harvesting osage fromnow on just becuase now that i now how it looks i have been running into the tresse every where to day i pulled ove in an open field close to a job site and i was driving home and saw the tree call out to me out of the cornner of my eye soo i pull over and with a hand saw i got formthe dollar store..lol.. be $1.50 i have spent for bow wood...hehehe...
anyhow i got another stave from it but man did i get scratched up...
soo.... sorry didnt mean to go on oand on... but for my top five i would have to say:
1 . osage (although i hate it)
2. pecan ( because it the only one i have used succesfully so far)
3. oak (of some sort becuase i can identify it... but yet to use it)
and thats it for me right now becuae that is allthe experaince that i have soo far... other than the mystory woods that i used as a kid.... i tell you what i had better luck making bows when i was a kid than now that im all growed up...lol...