Does anyone know if its possible to construct a horsebow with only wood laminates for the limbs (without using fiberglass laminates), then to back them with either Genuine Sinew or Super Sinew as that offered by Bowstick, appling it with either Bowgrip 100 or Smooth On?
Secondly, i`m only guessing but is it correct to assume the thickness of the wood lamination used for the limbs affects the draw weight? If so does one need to tiller the limbs after consruction as is the case for selfbows & flatbows. Or do I need to calculate a given thickness to a given draw weight?
I`m looking for a draw of 55# to 60# @28", I look to use either Ash or Oak laminations as these woods seem readily available here in Romania.
I would be grateful of any ideas you can forward me on this issue
Thanks, Darren.