Author Topic: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow  (Read 3150 times)

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Offline BigWapiti

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Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« on: January 12, 2009, 02:47:01 pm »
I'm not sure if this is okay to ask here (if not please feel free to slap my hand and send me to the appropriate forum).

I've learned that my arrow making skills are, well, hmm, less than par?  (Ok, I've sucked at it :))

As I work to put finishing touches on my buddy's daughter's bow, I'm trying to line up a source for 3 arrows that would work for this light weight bow.  Its 13# @ 16" (her current draw) - 20# @ 20" (the target draw/poundage of this bow).  Primitive or even primitive looking would suffice.

Can you recommend a place to find some?  Or would anyone be interested in selling or trading me some?

3Rivers has youth arrows for up to 35#, but I have a feeling these might even be too heavy for a 13# bow.  Anyone ever seen these arrows, had their kd's shoot 'em?  Thoughts?    or

Or, recommend a dowel size that might work well - I can give it another try as long as its not from a natural stick.  My 'stick' arrows tend to never shoot straight (no, its not my shooting ability, or lack thereof, well, it could be.. but lets stick with blaming it on the sticks okay?  O:))

Much appreciate any input.
Mike B.
Central Washington State
"Take a kid hunting, it'll make a WORLD of difference" -me


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Re: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 03:37:19 pm »
well i know i have made a few arrows form some dowels that i got from home depot...  they were supposed to be 5/16" poplar dowels but i think they were slightly thinner but not quite a 1/4" dowel...  i was making them for my cousins son he is about 7 yrs old and i had an old kids f/g bow laying around and i give it to him... and i also made him a little stick bow.. nothing real fancy  just a little branch that got thined out on one side and give it a basic tiller and it was done in about 15 mins...   but i used a reall lightest wieght poplar dowels that had lots of flex in them and they worked fine...  only thing is they were real easy fo him to break them...  i used store bout 4" feathers that i got at acadamy sports and i got some 100 gr field points at the local achery spot...   they worked out great...  i would try and do that i know that you could also make some nice arrows from 1/4" dowels and 3 rivers sells um cheap but i would just hit up a lowes or a home depot... and give them a try.... 

 i think the hardest thing would be to find some shafts spinned for tht light wieght of a bow and still have them durable enough for some abuse...  at least if the kid is anything like the one i made them 

i dont have a spinetester soo i have know idea what they were spinned at but i think i would just use some good ol oak 1/4 "  DOWELS AND SOME 3-4 INCH FEATHERS... and if you can find some 60gr glue on's you should be good to go...  i would also use plastic knocks for kids arrows just cuase it would make it easier than trying to do a self knock on such a thin shaft...

i think kids arrows are definantly easy to make especaily if your not to worried about the spine.. just make them some and let em have at it...   

im sure somebody here would be willing to make you some if you dont have any for her soon...  hell i would make em if i had the supplies handy...

good luck...

Offline stiknstring

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Re: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 04:14:03 pm »
For the kids that I have made bows for of similar poundage I used 1/4 dowels for shafts.  You can get 1/4 field points at 3Rivers archery supply but I used those plastic electrical connectors for starters.  Screwed them onto the shaft and let him start shooting pingpong balls...he is about to graduate to field tips and I have them ready to go.

Offline BigWapiti

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Re: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 04:33:38 pm »
For the kids that I have made bows for of similar poundage I used 1/4 dowels for shafts.  ..... I used those plastic electrical connectors for starters.  ...

What a great idea!
Mike B.
Central Washington State
"Take a kid hunting, it'll make a WORLD of difference" -me

Offline OldBow

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Re: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2009, 01:21:42 pm »
I have found low budget arrows are general sporting goods stores all ready made. About a buck apiece. For kid's bows, the arrow doesn't have to be all that sophisticated.
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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Looking for arrows for 15# to 20# kids bow
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 03:24:23 pm »
The 1/4" ramin dowels work well....and my kids like them longer than their draw length by about 4"-6".  You probably want to cut them to the exact draw length (like may people do) but then you might need to sand them down a bit to reduce the spine weight for the 13# bow.
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