i think im going to go for the 10 dollor crap shoot...

if it goes out on me right off the back then i might return it and get a better one but if it last me a year for the little small jobs of striaghting shafts and on occasion maybe heating up a belly or two.. then i'd say i got my moneys worth... if i find myself making more and more bows and get to useing the heat gun more and more and i find that the harbor frieght cheapy is not going to cut it then i will invest in a better quality heat gun....
Funny thing is that today i was at work and finishing up the Quick Trip gas station or "QT" we built in uless tx... and i was on the roof installing the cast stones on the top corners of the roof... and by concident there was a guy up there that was putting this rubber sheet of seal around the pipe they got sticking up through the roof and he was useing this fascinating high grade industrial heat gun... this thing melted the rubber sheeting that goes around the tubes in seconds and he had a rollor that he rolled over the sheet to make it seal... and i go over to talk to the guy for a minute and i was asking him about his heat gun... i figured the rubber sheet he was heating up had some kind of glue or adhesive that he was heating up and he explained to me that it didnt that the gun would just melt the rubber sheet instantly but it wouldnt burn it... so i ask him wow that must be a high class heat gun if you use it all day... he said yea its a good one i asked it spensive??? he replied about $800.oo bucks.... i was like wooo

but didnt get the name of it... he was finishing up and as he told me that, my fork lift driver beeped at me and was ready to lift up the stone so i had to go and direct him up and where to bring it up... when i got done the guy had already climbed down and i didnt get to ask him what kind of gun it was... but it was a straight hold gun... kind of like a big fat flashlight type body and it was straight not pistol grip like a hair drier... i think it was a dark blue in color.... and it had a front attachment that bought the air through a round tube that flatend at the end maybe about 6-7 inches long tube to a flat maybe 2" wide tip with the open end maybe a 1/4" thick...
but i thought that was pretty cool... how heat gun was on my mind and then bam there goes one that is probably top of the line... and i probably seen those guys use them things befor and never paid no mind to it... since our company has all the contract fo all the qiuck trips going up in the dfw area... and i'm always working on them here and there... i'm sure those guys been around but never noticed there heat gun till today and because im in the market for one...lol...
jsut thought id share...