Author Topic: primitive archery  (Read 10618 times)

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2009, 01:58:35 am »
i would have to say robin hood first and far most and then all the cowboys and indian movies of about 25-28 yrs ago...  not to mention all the mid evil movies and charachters when i was growing up and then of coarse there were the ninja's that also shot the arrow in there arsanal that gave me an influance when i was growing up....  lol...   but seroiusly... those were the first inspirations taht got me involed in archery and back almost 28-29 yrs ago when i was about 6-7 yrs old that up through my tenage yrs is when my archery was at its most primitive becuase all i had was bows and arrows i made for an example of what i saw in those old 

that and what i could harvest from the woods and build from a pocket knife and some sring...

sooo i would have to say number one is :
any old school movie that showed that indian shooting that bow or the mid evil knights, archers or those ninja's man...

thats what did it for me...

and jsut now recantly that i have been working with these kids in our outdoors team am i learning how to do things right and learn and recongize the big hero's and mentors... wish i had this sight when i was growing  but im just fortunant enough to have it now...

anyways i wish i knew of the fred bear's and the famous arthers of books and famous bow builders along time ago...  hell i wish i knew them now...
im just tickled to death that im able to come on here today and convers with some of the best bow makers of this time... not to mention that i think there are some today's legends that log on here from time to time and give advice... thats why i'm probably on here everyday ready to learn and picking at this type board... ;)

but anyways i wish i knew enough to have a list of top ten...
but for now... i'm just happy i have the comments and knowledge of more than 10 people at my finger tips...
 ;) ;D


Offline Pappy

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2009, 06:55:37 am »
I don't know if you would call what I do Primitive archery,I build wood bows.After saying that I really don't have a full list but I would say Gary Davis,Mike Conkle and many of the guys on this site have inspired me to do what I do.All of the above mentioned books and people that wrote them have also played a big part in keeping me going.I also now have a lot of good friends GregB ,BigA,Jimmy,Jesse that are into it and keep me inspired. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline TheWildCat

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2009, 07:21:16 am »
   My Old man. As a little kid I would look at the old Black and white pictures a him and his friends shootin a old Ben Pearson longbow. Then I would look at the bow and the arrows with the skelleton broadheads hangin on the wall. I was mistified by em. When I was 12 he gave em to me. It was 60# @ 28". It took me a little growin, before I could pull it back, so he gave me a 25# recurve (un-named) to practice with. Then a 35# Bear recurve. I grew into the bow and hunted with it till it developed a failure in the handel finger joints. I repaired it by re-gluein it and puttin a wood pin in it, but retired it. Now it hangs on my wall and I build my own. I still look up at it with fond memories.

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Offline GregB

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2009, 08:25:23 am »
My first inspiration came from BigA over 20 years ago when he talked me into cutting an osage and trying to make a bow. He had read Jay Massey's book, and lent it to me to read. There wasn't anyone else around for us to ask questions, and I nevered finished that bow. A local guy name Mike Concle really got me into it when I was attending a Twin Oaks shoot with my son and Mike was there with osage staves for sell. I got to be friends with Mike and his friend Scott Weber and made my first several bows with their involvement. Then I got to be friends with Pappy, and he introduced me to the PA website and its wealth of knowledgable people willing to help. Guess I should also mention another friend Jan Davis that 25 years ago was shooting a bear recurve when everyone else around including me was shooting compounds. He tried to explain it to me at that time, but I just didn't get it. I haven't been able to get in touch with Jan who last I knew lived in Conway, Arkansas....I'd love to make him a bow! ;)

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Offline sailordad

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2009, 07:16:00 pm »
i would have to say robin hood first and far most and then all the cowboys and indian movies of about 25-28 yrs ago... 

wow i must have really been partying hard in my teen years cause i never realized they made many indian movies in the early-mid 80's.    lol
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2009, 08:06:18 pm »
lol sailordad...
  hell i dont remember what movies they were but i remember they were black and white... and might have been just tv shows on sat and sundays...  hell i remember watching trarzan and the lone ranger... and i also remember alot of old westerns...  anyways i remember taht stuff and seeing those old shows and me and my friends playing cowboys and indians...  my first bow was made out of a wooden coat hanger with thick rubberbands as a string that i shot the cardboard bottom's of a wire coat hanger....   and that was the firt bow i made and was my true first bow..  i didnt know any better i just imitated what i saw on tv...   but it    i played with that thing for weeks and made reapairs to it... god i must have been about 6-7yrs old...   played with that until one of my uncels saw waht i was doing and took me out side to my back yard and showed me what a thin straight brach and some nylon mason string could do... and then found another thin straight stick and made it into an arrow for me...  it shot wierd and crocked but then he told me i'll have to find you some feathers for your arrow... rubed my head and walked home... and that left me with the advance knowledge of how to make a bow and arrow from trees and bushes...  it wasnt long befor i was making better ones and trying all kinds of stuff and then all us nieghbor hood kids ended up with stick  we didnt play with them everyday...  but sure enough on occasion i was making a new one becuase the one i had either got throughn away or broken... \

but yea thats how i started and i would have to say for me...  my top ten would be those old flicks and the legend of robin hood...

i mean had it not been for that i would have probably never got the opertunity to know what archery was....   i had to self learn but it has always been a part of my life...  you would think that with me pulling a bow since about 6-7  i would actually be good with it...hahaha  not soo...  i never had real good bow or one that i could actually hunt with till probably about 7 yrs ago when i finaly went out and bought a bear recurve...

sorry people im getting off bad..

Offline OldBow

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2009, 08:13:54 pm »
Very interesting thread - good idea.  Jay Massey would certainly be close to #1.
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Offline sailordad

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2009, 08:47:54 pm »
ive been thinking this over and i posted earlier that i didnt realy know any primitive archers other than here,but the one person
that introduced me to archery would be an uncle of mine.
he taught me when i was a youngster 6-8 yrs old or so.
back then never knew what a compund was,dont think they were around yet.he shot trad very well,won many tournaments lots of trophies.
i gave it up as a teen,got back into archery with a wheel bow.
now i have gone primitive and my uncle wont even shoot his recurves or long bows any more, kinda ironic i think
i always wanted a harley,untill it became the "thing to ride"
i ride because i love to,not to be part of the crowd

Offline hawkbow

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2009, 09:36:43 pm »
My dad broken hand is the reason I first braced a bow, his passion for the hunt, rubbed off on me at a very early age.. and archery was the cornerstone of my youthful life. Fred bear, Howard Hill ,Ishi were names I heard at the dinner table... There are so many who have contributed to our sport, most are humble men who didn't contribute for the glory but rather because of a passion or obsession toward archery... I can relate as can most all of us on this never know some day the future generations may say  guys like Pappy, Marc st louis, Cowboy, Wolf watcher, Pat B..etc... those guys were the real could happen ;) HAWK a/ho 

Mike "Hawk" Huston

Offline redwasp

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2009, 09:46:18 pm »
traditional bowyers bibles, and the people on this site, and You tube And................
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2009, 11:11:13 pm »
name top 10 people who has made biggest contribution to primitive archery?

I'm quite sure I don't know their names. But they were on this continent long before the English language was. Every time you see someone type _________ replica or __________ style bow it was a Native who made the original.  8)
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Offline hawkbow

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2009, 11:59:40 pm »
Well said bro... Hawk a/ho

Mike "Hawk" Huston

Offline DanaM

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2009, 09:05:40 am »
I don't have any hero's but I do appreciate each and every person that has contributed to archery, from Neolithic man to modern man :)
But mostly the fine folks on this site as the information is free and no one is trying to profit from their knowledge.
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Offline Ryano

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2009, 10:52:26 pm »
I'm like Pappy. I don't really consider my work "primitive" I just like making wooden bows. I probally wouldnt be making bows today though if it werent for the bowyers bible books. They were what got me started in the right direction.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline yazoo

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Re: primitive archery
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2009, 09:01:06 am »
I hope you are feeling better you did not look good at lbl?
if you can shoot over them , they ain't to far