Holmegaard Bow
I know some of y'all have had some experience in buildin the Holmegaard bow. So I got a question. I have read as much as I can bout the original, and different opinions of the design. I have looked at the pictures of the orignal, or what I believe is the original (
http://www.archerymuseum.org/holm.htm). When I look at this picture and the light reflections on it, I notice what appears to me to be a Concave grove along the bows length, all the way out to the tip. I don't know in fact ifin this is the Back of the bow or the Belly? If it is a concave groove, I have read nothin about it or if it would affect the bows tiller. I believe it is the Belly of the bow. I think it must affect the tiller. Am I mis-interpretin this picture? Would a groove affect the tiller? Please look at the picture and give me your opinions!!!