Author Topic: Newbie wants to build a Mongol Bow  (Read 8010 times)

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Newbie wants to build a Mongol Bow
« on: January 02, 2009, 12:49:36 am »
I have an excess of time and sufficient spare cash to build a Mongol bow, if I could find instructions.
Can anyone point me towards "how to" resources?

Thank you,

Yes, I know Mongol bows are considered a stretch stretch goal for a new bow maker.  But it wouldn't be fun if it were easy.

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Re: Newbie wants to build a Mongol Bow
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 01:35:15 am »
                                                     Yep...If it was Easy.........Girl Scouts would be doing it!!!

            Have you watched all of the Videos on Youtube about building them?? There are some really good ones there
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Offline Dane

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Re: Newbie wants to build a Mongol Bow
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 09:43:22 am »
I would highly recommend you get the "How to Construct the Asiatic Compsite Bow" DVD, but Jffrey Schmidt and John McPherson. It is a great video. I also have the 2-volume "The Way of the Bow" video on making a Korean bow. I found it very tedious, but still some great information in there, but you have to sit though 4 hours of video.

I dont have it yet, but a new book came out by Adam Karpowicz on the Turkish bow, that may help too.


Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline dragonman

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Re: Newbie wants to build a Mongol Bow
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 01:01:33 pm »
 have you looked at the website,  atarn,( asian traditional archery network) , there is some good info and pics.
I'm in the process of making one myself, but it is a long term project, maybe I'll take some pics and post them
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