I'm gonna try another one.

I got the idea for this one while at Pappy a while back. He had nice looking little sapling bow hanging in the cabin, and I just thought I'd give one a try.
I cut this piece about 3 weeks ago. It's 66" tip to tip and just 1-3/8" wide. I sawed it out a week later and stuck it in the hot box. After one week I took the bark off and gave it another week at around 110 degrees and 20% Humidity.
I floor tillered and steamed in a little reflex yesterday. For the heck of it, I weighed it before and after steaming it. It weighed 555 grams both times.
Today, I put it back on the form and baked the belly adding a touch more reflex. This time it weighed 550 grams and still no checks.
I don't expect much from this piece of wood since it's so narrow and would be proud to get 45lbs from it.
I'm being very aggressive with it just to see what I can get away with

The first picture is before I done any bending. The next two are after I added the reflex and baked the belly.
I'll keep ya'll posted while I either make it, or break it.
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