I've been chasing 2 does and a yearling button, and a spike for most of the season in the Nat'l forest across the road from my property. I've passed on the button 3 times, hoping to get a shot at a larger doe or spike for my first trad deer. The spike that hung out with them was shot by a neighbor on muzzleloader opening day, and I had the button 15 feet from me 2 weeks ago as i sat against a stump - he snorted, and ran through his momma and aunt like a linebacker , scaring them all off before I could shoot. I've had more fun hunting trad only this year than most i've actually scored, though!
So the wife comes home yesterday from work at 7 AM - says "Guess what was just in the yard by your target?"....
OK - EATING my hay bales?

? REALLY SANTA? C'MON!... (look at bottom RH corner closely about an inch from the edge)
of course kids think it's soooo cooool........

tracks are EVERYWHERE in the yard - 2 medium sets, 1 small.....
Hope you all had a good xmas too!
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