Author Topic: Copper sources fior Flakers???  (Read 8784 times)

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Offline Easternarcher

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Copper sources fior Flakers???
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:57:03 pm »
I've had a heck of a time finding any copper at all, let alone something stiff enough for a flaker tip! ???
Think I'll simply squish a copper pipe flat and cut out the folded spine to sharpen for the tip. How about welding rods???would they work?

Offline mullet

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 02:06:11 pm »
 Welding rods are too hard. You can get copper ground wire and nails at most Hardware stores. Some of the old time stores even have lightning rods which make great, small boppers or punches.Plumbing supply stores have large copper caps that can be fitted over large wooden dowels for boppers.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Easternarcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 02:33:06 pm »
Welding rods are too hard. You can get copper ground wire and nails at most Hardware stores. Some of the old time stores even have lightning rods which make great, small boppers or punches.Plumbing supply stores have large copper caps that can be fitted over large wooden dowels for boppers.
I picked up a couple of caps last night for boppers, but have yet to find anyone who has copper wire or rods here in town, including electrical supply stores Hardware stores have NO copper nails or rods. Looks like aluminum for me then.

Offline n2everythg

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 02:56:33 pm »
go to lowes or home depot to their wire section (electrical)
get a few feet of their #4 or #6 bare copper wire. then pound it to harden and shape it how you want.
this is what I use to stick in the end of my ishi stick and smaller flakers.
works good and only costs a few bucks.
East Coast of Nowhere

Offline Easternarcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 03:04:14 pm »
go to lowes or home depot to their wire section (electrical)
get a few feet of their #4 or #6 bare copper wire. then pound it to harden and shape it how you want.
this is what I use to stick in the end of my ishi stick and smaller flakers.
works good and only costs a few bucks.
Went to the Depot last nite as well. They didn't have any/no bare copper wire. This town sucks big time for finding stuff. sheesh! :'(

Offline knap_123

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 03:45:01 pm »
 try the h.d. again and go to the nail section.  look for copper roofing nails. they might be called something else but my dp has them here.  wre you from by the way?

Offline mullet

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2008, 04:25:48 pm »
 I can tell you where there is all the wire you need but it ain't exactly legal. Every wooden power pole has a ground wire running down the side. But it might save some time in jail to check with an electrician for some.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline JackCrafty

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2008, 04:47:41 pm »
Since you have access to the internet (you wouldn't be able to post here if you didn't  ;D) you have access to all the copper you would ever need.  Just google copper nails or go to ebay.


Local stores can sometimes order stuff for you if you're willing to wait a while (and if you want to buy local).  Sometimes a Depot store will call the closest other Depot store to see if they have what you want...and then you can go pick it up or have it delivered to your store.

I have the same problem....which is why I get most of my stuff online or through one of the guys here on this forum. ;D
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Patrick Blank
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Offline mullet

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2008, 06:49:36 pm »
 Patrick is right. The Depot store I have an account with didn't carry copper nails until I pointed out to the manager that They sold copper roofing shingles and gutters but no nails for them. They got them in in a week and called me.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Easternarcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2008, 07:57:35 pm »
try the h.d. again and go to the nail section.  look for copper roofing nails. they might be called something else but my dp has them here.  wre you from by the way?
Knap, I'm in New Brunswick Canada. I went to the H.Depot nail section today...nothing! So I came out with a roll of 1/4" copper tubing....I think I can flatten it to get a pointy end for flakers. gonna try anyways. Roofing nails????not here I think. Everything seems to be galvanized.  I did find some tempting 3/16" brass that too soft?

I got one more major electrical supply place to try, but they won't open till after New Years. Maybe there...

Offline mullet

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2008, 08:49:33 pm »
  Brass is too hard. You can file it down to a sharp point and use it for edge work. But then again, Ishi used Iron nails to knap with. The more you beat the copper tubing and keep bending it over like making Damascus Steel the better it will be.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2008, 09:54:57 pm »
May I ask what you are using for a flaker?  I have lots of hard drawn 1/4" copper wire and also some in smaller diameters.  I never had much luck with soft store bought copper wire as even if you pound it to a point it will still bend it if you are applying lots of pressure!  I have two double ended Ishi sticks with 1/4" in one end and 5/32" in the other. I use the different sizes and shapes for which ever technique I am trying to achieve.  My hand finish flaker has 1/8th" copper and is used to finish and put nocks in the point.  If the flakers you are using can be adapted to the diameters I mentioned, I would be willing to send you some samples. Watcher   
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Offline Wolf Watcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2008, 10:00:06 pm »
Forgot to tell you that I traded for a large roll of hard drawn copper from a cross country electrical company employee.  Also I have access to lots of great copper from oil well driller in the form of Reader Cable.  Some of the smaller hard drawn copper wire came from an old abandoned calving shed.  Watcher
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Offline Easternarcher

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2008, 10:48:52 pm »
Forgot to tell you that I traded for a large roll of hard drawn copper from a cross country electrical company employee.  Also I have access to lots of great copper from oil well driller in the form of Reader Cable.  Some of the smaller hard drawn copper wire came from an old abandoned calving shed.  Watcher

Well, I'm new at this hobby, so I don't even have one flaker made as of yet! Still trying to gather materials.
Your offer is appreciated on the copper trials. I pm'd ya.

Offline knap_123

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Re: Copper sources fior Flakers???
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2008, 12:00:41 am »
another way to make a  killer flaker is what i call  neo abo flaker.  i have some pics for you so  you can follow along,  i have a moose tine and a deer tine. a set screw and a 1/4'' tap with a drill bit a hair smaller. i wont my grooves deep and the tap to fit tight.