Thanks everyone for the compliments.
I'm recovering from a knee surgery right now, so i'm gonna keep this brief as the head is starting to spin. The full story can wait.
Creek is 58" tip to tip. It came from a blowdown, so no yews were harmed in the making of this bow. Tip overlays are yew, with the sapwood matching up. I tried the same thing with the handle, with the heartwood matching up, but Creek bends through the handle and my glue on popped off while stringing and I thought I broke it. Glad I didn't. This is the tightest growth rings i've ever seen.
This is bow number 5 i believe from this tree, and we are just getting started. To all of you who i sent wood out to, this is the same tree.
The sinew and hide glue are from salvaged road kills. 3 deer in total so 6 backstraps.
The cutouts were done on the drill press, and actually went very quickly. The handle section of the bow was pretty thin to start, so I knew I wasn't going to get a heavy bow out of it, but I was hoping to get legal hunting weight.
The handle is red cedar lashed on with linen string. It fits really nice into the hand. The first time I pulled it, with the new handle on it sounded like an old door opening. "CCCCRREEEEEAAAAAKKKKK". Red cedar dries out really dry and since the bow bends but the handle doesn't it's a bit noisey. Although it seems to be decreasing over time.
The handle is wrapped in buckskin and lashed with linen cordage, first attempt that went suprisingly well. I am most impressed with the floppy rest, I've shot many arrows and it doesn't hurt the hand at all.
The string is continuious loop linen, served with linen.
Creek is a play on words, I was referring to the sound the bow makes when drawn, but thinking back, the tree its self was growing in a creek bottom surrounded in water, so it seemed rather fitting.
It shoots amazing. and it is quite a conversation piece.
I finished it with umpteen coats of tru-oil.
Glad everyone likes it.
please fire any questions my way.
I'm going do a full length story on this one, becasue there is so much i've skipped over. but for now, i need to hobble back to the couch.