Author Topic: sloppy fit into takedown sleeves  (Read 2595 times)

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Offline sonny

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sloppy fit into takedown sleeves
« on: December 14, 2008, 01:31:14 pm »
So my buddy rushed things along a bit too much by shaping a couple of still green osage billets to fit into the brass part of the sleeves. Now that the billets are dry it's a sloppy fit. My concern is that if I use epoxy to fill the gap that the force exerted when the bow is strung and shot that the epoxy may "give" though maybe I'm worrying over nothing.
So should I ..
1. fill the gap with epoxy and start tillering
2. peen the brass sleeves such that the fit is a little better before epoxying, OR
3. fill the gap with an epoxy/ sawdust slurry

other suggestions are certainly welcome.
btw this is my first attempt at a takedown.....
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Offline Pat B

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Re: sloppy fit into takedown sleeves
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 02:01:52 pm »
I think I would build the area back up with wood and glue, let it cure well then reshape so it fits the sleeves better. I think solid pieces of wood would be stronger that glue and sawdust.    Pat
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Offline wakosama

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Re: sloppy fit into takedown sleeves
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 06:01:43 pm »
Well, I've used epoxy/wood dust mix to build and repair and make boat stuff for decades.  It's messy, and not pretty, but works fine, and breaks have always been in the wood, not the glue.  Just get everything lined up straight and let the parts dry in place. 

Two backed bows with slurry filled Z splices going fine after two years also. So I'd do it with the epoxy/wood dust mix without hesitation.

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