David this gesture of good will is what Christmas is all about

Just imagine the smile on his/her face when they receive this beauty.
I think most people lose sight of what Christmas is really about, too often we take for granted what we have
and forget about those that have little. Its going to be a very lean Christmas at my house this year, but I will still buy a
toy for and donate some money to the Salvation Army. This year more than any with the state of the economy many folks are hurting,
no job, no food, no presents all you have to do look around you to see just how many of your neighbors are hurting.
With that said I will donate a set of six kids arrows from 3 Rivers, give me the address and I will have them shipped from 3 Rivers directly to the childs house.
here's a link to the arrows.http://www.3riversarchery.com/Youth+Archery+Arrows++Kids+6-pack_c16_s92_p0_i4292X_product.htmlNow who has an extra quiver?
Merry Christmas all