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PRIMITIVE ARCHER is written specifically for people who love the outdoors, hunting and archery and has been dedicated to “Passing On The Traditions Of Classical Archery” since 1992. We are the magazine to meet your exacting criteria because:

  1. PRIMITIVE ARCHER has taken the #1 spot among archery magazines in over 1,000 book stores of the major book store chains. Among these major book store chains, Primitive Archer ranks #1 among archery magazines in copies sold per issue and copies sold per store.
  2. PRIMITIVE ARCHER reaches 100,000 hunters and target shooters who epitomize what archery is all about. They are in love with the sport itself. Hunting is a very large part of their life and they make a major commitment to the honing of their skills and purchasing of the best equipment.
  3. PRIMITIVE ARCHER contains “how to” and resource articles concerning the construction and history of bows, arrows and special materials. Therefore, as opposed to the typical monthly hunting magazine, PRIMITIVE ARCHER back issues are in high demand as a source of knowledge and instruction. Because we sell thousands of back issues a year, your ad in an issue of PRIMITIVE ARCHER has a long life and continues to sell in the months and years to come.
  4. PRIMITIVE ARCHER readers have the financial strength to support your product: 83% of our readers own their own home and 55% of our readers have a college education.
  5. PRIMITIVE ARCHER readers spend a lot of time with the magazine – an average of 2.6 hours per issue. In addition, 96% of our readers save every issue. Your ad has a long review time and continues to sell your company and its products!
  6. PRIMITIVE ARCHER is the fastest growing segment in the archery and hunting venue. Our magazine hits the bull’s-eye in this market.
  7. Our advertising rates offer you a cost effective and competitive way to reach this very committed special market!

PRIMITIVE ARCHER is available in thousands of major retail outlets including Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Gander Mountain, Hastings bookstores, HEB, 7-Eleven, Albertson's, Weis, Krogers, Borders, Super Wal-Marts Canada, Barnes & Noble's, Books-a-Million and Shoppers Drug as well as a multitude of newsstands and airports. In addition to our international distribution, which includes Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany and New Zealand as well as 34 other countries, we have built a cadre of independent retail establishments, archery shops and suppliers as distributors of the magazine. All of our advertisers are posted on our website, www.primitivearcher.com. The growth in the number of unique visitors to our web site continues to accelerate reaching 45% per year in both 2008 and 2009. The number of unique visitors to the Primitive Archer web site now exceeds 20,000 per month Our website is updated regularly to provide timely information and interactive forums for our readers.


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> Primitive Archer Rate Card (458kb pdf file)

> Reader Profile (518kb pdf file)

> Circulation Profile (418Kb pdf file)

> Marketplace Advertising (2.7Mb pdf file)

> Sponsorship Program (1.7Mb pdf file)

> New Product Promo (380kb pdf file)

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